Tuesday, September 28, 2010

HLiNaKRbCsFr NOF!!! ( hill-lih-nahk-rib-cis-fer-noff) LEO SAYS GER!!

  Hey!!! Its SuperSara with another blog post about the difference between Oxidation and reduction!! ( Try to act excited) We just watched a video even LONGER THAN THE LAST ONE!! ( I didn't know it was possible) I would attach the video but, Mr. Sellers says not to, its kinda pointless. Hey, gotta follow the rules! ( SuperSaras life lesson of the day #1) I am very confused about this topic so hopefully, at the end of this blog post, we will both be smarter!

  Okay, so y'all are probably very confused about the whole title. (The HLiNaKRbCsFr NOF!!! ( hill-lih-nahk-rib-cis-fer-noff) LEO SAYS GER!!) So SuperSara will divide it up for ya and you will understand more!! Ok so basically the HLiNaKRbCsFr part was just naming all the elements that give away electrons. They are the first row on the periodic table. Look at the picture below. The elements that are circled in purple are the HLiNaKRbCsFr's. Start with the H on the top left and go down. Again, these are the elements that give away electrons. It's basically like HLiNaKRbCsFr is giving away a bunch of free money ( money in this case is electrons). This is called Oxidation.  Agian, this happens when you give away electrons.

  The "NOF" part stands for nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine. They like to take all the money away from HLiNaKRbCsFr. Since HLiNaKRbCsFr is handing them out, they just take all of them, everything, all the electrons. This is called reduction. They want to become negatively charged, they dont care! So about the Leo says Ger thing, there is a video below explainig oxidation and reduction. Enjoys!

   I hope in this case, literally, the title explained it all. I hope you all have a good day and I hope this blog post taught you something! SuperSaraSuperBye!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Metallic Bombs, Covalent Bombs, and Ionic Bombs

BOMBS?! Sorry I meant bonds... Hello? Trying to funny here? Haha well anyways... SUPERSARA AT'CHA HERE WITH A BLOG ABOUT( DRUM ROLL PLEASE, [I missed them]) THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN METALLIC BONDS, COVALENT BONDS AND IONIC BONDS!!!!! (I know right?? I don't what these mean either) So... umm lets find out~! We just watched sooooper dooooper long video so I will attach the video in case you have alot of free time on your hands.

Ok, so the video explains alot, but this is SUPERSARAS BLOG!!! I'm not gonna attach a video and say," ok bye, the video was your learning teacher person!!" Especially because this video is 13 minutes long... but thats besides the point! Okay, so what goes on in this video you ask? SuperSara will explain:

  • Ionic Bond- A chemical bond between two ions with opposite charges. This basically means that two atoms with opposite charges may join together. An example of this is NaCl which is the chemical symbol (abbreviation for name) of... you guessed it.. salt! It's made up one sodium atom and one chlorine atom (sodium chloride). Here's a picture:

    Ionic Bond

  • Covalent Bond-  A chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more electrons, especially pairs of electrons, between atoms. A good example of this is when two hydrogen atoms bond. Here's a picture:

Covalent Bond

  • Metallic Bond- The chemical bond characteristic of metals, in which mobile valence electrons are shared among atoms. An example is Brass (copper plus zinc). Here is a picture :
                                                                                       Metallic Bond 

  So, now you know the types of bonds. I hope I taught you alot today and please, if you can, watch the video. It's very informative, and verryyy long. If you could *please* watch the video below also it would mean so much to me!! I cant wait for my next blog post, I love making these things!! Okay, SuperSaraSuperBye!!!! 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Praseodymium!!! OH MY GOSH HOW DO YOU PRNOUNCE THAT?!?!?!?!?!

 SuperSara at'cha here with a funny story!!!!Okay, so like, 2 minutes ago (its 9/9/10 at 10:35) Mr. Sellers said we could have a free blog post. He also said we could write it on specific element, so I decided to be up for the challenge! Fatima and Jalen wanted to do free day, so of course fatima wanted to do animals. Mr. Sellers then thought we could all do elements, so now Jalen and Fatima are fighting about who gets einsteinium and who get californium! I chose praseodymium (pray-see-oh-dee-um),although I actually have no idea what praseodymium is. Infact, I dont even know how to spell it so I am copying and pasting as we speak! I just chose the longest element name. Lets find out what praseodymium is!!!!

Chemical symbol:  Pr
Atomic Number: 59
Appearance: Soft and Silvery
Color: Silver, duh!

  Praseodymium is a solid!!!! Its melting point 1715 °F. Its Boiling point is 6368 °F. It's Soft,silvery,and white. It is a lanthide, which means it is from the atomic numbers of 58 through 71! Here is another pic of   Praseodymium.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Periodic Table of Awesomeness (sort of, nothing wrong with being positive)

  The Periodic table of elements is the real name... but hey! I is the queen of name changing! As you know, SuperSara is here to talk to you about...(please, no drum roll, I'm getting sick of those things!) THE PERIODIC TABLE OF (WHAT?) ELEMENTS!!! OH YEAH! ROCK ON! Ha ha ok well lets start with saying that the periodic table of elements is basically a big chart with every element known to man. Here are some Vocabulary words you should know!

That 17? that's called the Atomic Number. This tell how many protons the element has in each nucleus.

The Cl? That's is the Chemical Symbol for chlorine. The chemical symbol is usauly just 2 letters from the elements name.

 That 35.453? That is the Atomic Mass. This tells us how much the protons and neutrons(together in the nucleus) weigh. This is measured in Atomic Mass Units.