Thursday, October 28, 2010

Try and catch her now!!!

  Hello evil chidren who are reading this blog. I am Mrs. Gahoobansteiniumalodextriumfoxtatiame! ( goo-ben-stine-ee-umm-mal-oh-dex-tree-umm-fox-tah-tee-ame) I have captured SuperSara and she is being held hostage for her life. Don' Belive me? Look below!

I guess I have to do this blog thing now, ugh! Well, here are some ghost pictures:

My Mother

My two cousins

Need some more info? Here are some people who've been through ghosts encounters:

"We had a ghost living in our attic when I was nine years old. The ghost stayed in the attic for the most part but became quite active late at night. We would hear things moving around and the thumps would literally wake us up from a dead sleep. He/she.....would also open the attic door in the wee hours of the night for us to find open in the about chills"
                                                                            - Web master of

Sound like enough information? No, no. We are not done already.

"Gaga told her people to get the equipment because she was afraid of "bad energy." Supposedly they then conducted a sweep of the backstage area after getting the gear from Dan Webb's "ghost-busting firm." He added that 'Her aide said the gear had to be robust as they were ­taking it on the road - so they must be doing this every­where Lady Gaga is performing.'"
                                                                     - ParanormalPopCulture about Lady Gaga's ghost encounter

''I absolutely believe in ghosts ... I'm convinced the souls of the dead can come back to take care of things that were unresolved when they died. Or to visit loved ones and comfort them. I've never seen one, but I've felt the presence of a ghost near me. At least I'd like to believe that. I find it very comforting to think that we don't stop existing when we die.''
                                                                                     - Halle Berry

It's very foolish not to beleive in ghosts, what do you think? Here's a quote:

"Personally, I do not believe that Paranormal forces exist. But I'm certainly not so sure about that that I would say I know they definitely couldn't exist.On the basis of the evidence as I see it, I would bet money against it. But I would support Parapsychologists trying to find evidence that would convince me. So far that evidence isn't available."
                                                                        - Foolish user from

Does SuperSara like ghosts? let's find out!

Here are some more pictures of ghosts:

My Father

My beautiful mother

SuperSara wants to talk to you again, ugh:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ACIDS AND BASES HAVE TWO DIFFRE.... Just kidding were moving on ;-)

  Hey guys! its SuperSara with another SuperAwesome post about... chemical and physical changes!! Yay!! Ok, so this isn't very hard, but I'll try to explain it in the easiest way!

   Ok so lets go over some vocab words:
  • Physical Change: When a product's appearance is changed, but it still has the same properties. Ex: crumbling up paper, slicing and apple, and cracking an egg.  Look at the video below for more info on physical changes, and some pictures too!


    • Chemical Change:When the properties of a product are changed. Ex: Burning a piece of paper, adding oxygen to an apple to make it brown, and frying an egg.

      Well... I know this was a short blog post, but there will be more in the future. SuperSaraSuperbye! Now for a huge peace sign!


    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Acids and Bases have 2 different faces... 2 DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES!!!

    AND YA GOTTA FIND OUT WHAT THEY'RE ALL ABOUT IF YA WANNA LEARN CHEMISTRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* Sorry, just having a SuperSaraSuperSingalong! Ok so today we are gonna learn about Acids and Bases. Yay! OK, SO THESE ARE ACTUALLY REALLY COOL!! Okay so to start you off here with the definitions you have gostes to learn!

    Acids:  A substance that is acidic, obviously. Acids turn litmus paper to red, and are sour. Some examples of acids are:
    • Lemon Juice
    • Vinegar
    • Beer
    • Coke
    • Battery acid

    Base: A substance that turns litmus paper to blue and is bitter, slippery, and soapy. Some examples of bases are:
    • Soap, no duh!
    • Egg whites
    • Dish washing liquid, basically anything with soap

    "Well, what happens when acids and bases are brought together?" Well, its actually really simple. The base will make the acids a neutral. Remembering this is about as hard as making a bowl of cereal, so I'm pretty sure you will!

    I'm also gonna teach you about the PH scale, with SuperAwesomeVideo!! Yay I know you guys like those so yup here it is and there is a picture below too!

     Woah! Theres even more! Heres this awesome video from your family at youtube!!!

    Well thats all for this blog post folks! lol cya soon!! SuperSaraSuperBye!! Now here is a huge smiley: