Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray! For DNA! (and RNA too)

  Hello! It's SuperSara talking about DNA and RNA. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid (try saying that 5 times fast). RNA stands for ribonucleic acid.

    So... DNA. Contains everything about you. Not me. You. Well, my DNA contains info about me, and your DNA contains info about you! Let's say you have blonde hair, like me. That's in your DNA. DNA is a double helix found in the nucleus (sounds familiar...) and has tons of information about yourself.


  No one has the exact same DNA as you. Not your mom, your dad, your brother, or your sister. The only people that have the exact same DNA are indentical twins. Identical twins are just basically clones. Clones are organisms that share the same exact genetic information. DNA has the letters g (guanine),t (thymine),a (adenine), and c(cytosine). These help make the genetic recipe. (You'll get what I mean when you watch the video at the very end)


  Now let's go on to RNA. RNA stands for ribonucleic acid, again! RNA and DNA are very similar, they're buddies! They also have many differences too. One of the differences you will see below in the video. FUN FACT: (sorry teemy) RNA helps to make protein.

Here's a really cool video by the guy who does the what's the weather song!

Well, hopefully I'll get assigned another blog post about DNA because it's really interesting... SuperSaraSuperBye!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Let's talk about bacteria!!!

  Hey People! SuperSara here talking about the parts of a bacterial cell today. There will be some really cool information before the video at the end! Let's get a move on!

  Let's just start by saying that we have millions of cells. Bacteria have only one cell.They are single-celled organisms.  Here's a picture of a bacterial cell:

  Ok, so let's learn about the parts! The first is the nucleoid:

  The nucleoid is basically like the nucleus. Controls all the parts of the cell, like "the brain",or "the boss".

Next part were gonna talk about are the tiny little hairs on the bacteria cell uses to move. They just swish back and forth and voila! It moves! It swims!!

   You guys remember the cytoplasm right? A bacterial cell has one too. Just does the same job of taking up most of the room and having everything float in it.

  It has ribosomes too! Ribosomes make proteins for the cell. 

  Now were going to be talking about the tail! The tail is called the flagellum. The flagellum helps the cell move just like the tiny little hairs. 

  The outer layers of a bacterial cell are very important. If they weren't there the whole cell would fall apart! Unlike the animal or plant cell, a bacterial cell has 3 layers of protection. In outermost order the capsule, the cell wall, and the cell membrane. 
 Here's a video!


  Well, hope you enjoyed this blog post! SuperSaraSuperBye! Oh yeah, check out the video below!