Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray! For DNA! (and RNA too)

  Hello! It's SuperSara talking about DNA and RNA. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid (try saying that 5 times fast). RNA stands for ribonucleic acid.

    So... DNA. Contains everything about you. Not me. You. Well, my DNA contains info about me, and your DNA contains info about you! Let's say you have blonde hair, like me. That's in your DNA. DNA is a double helix found in the nucleus (sounds familiar...) and has tons of information about yourself.


  No one has the exact same DNA as you. Not your mom, your dad, your brother, or your sister. The only people that have the exact same DNA are indentical twins. Identical twins are just basically clones. Clones are organisms that share the same exact genetic information. DNA has the letters g (guanine),t (thymine),a (adenine), and c(cytosine). These help make the genetic recipe. (You'll get what I mean when you watch the video at the very end)


  Now let's go on to RNA. RNA stands for ribonucleic acid, again! RNA and DNA are very similar, they're buddies! They also have many differences too. One of the differences you will see below in the video. FUN FACT: (sorry teemy) RNA helps to make protein.

Here's a really cool video by the guy who does the what's the weather song!

Well, hopefully I'll get assigned another blog post about DNA because it's really interesting... SuperSaraSuperBye!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Let's talk about bacteria!!!

  Hey People! SuperSara here talking about the parts of a bacterial cell today. There will be some really cool information before the video at the end! Let's get a move on!

  Let's just start by saying that we have millions of cells. Bacteria have only one cell.They are single-celled organisms.  Here's a picture of a bacterial cell:

  Ok, so let's learn about the parts! The first is the nucleoid:

  The nucleoid is basically like the nucleus. Controls all the parts of the cell, like "the brain",or "the boss".

Next part were gonna talk about are the tiny little hairs on the bacteria cell uses to move. They just swish back and forth and voila! It moves! It swims!!

   You guys remember the cytoplasm right? A bacterial cell has one too. Just does the same job of taking up most of the room and having everything float in it.

  It has ribosomes too! Ribosomes make proteins for the cell. 

  Now were going to be talking about the tail! The tail is called the flagellum. The flagellum helps the cell move just like the tiny little hairs. 

  The outer layers of a bacterial cell are very important. If they weren't there the whole cell would fall apart! Unlike the animal or plant cell, a bacterial cell has 3 layers of protection. In outermost order the capsule, the cell wall, and the cell membrane. 
 Here's a video!


  Well, hope you enjoyed this blog post! SuperSaraSuperBye! Oh yeah, check out the video below!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Animal and Plant cells

  Hello The internet! It's SuperSara with another blog about cells!!! Yay! Ok so this time we are going to talk about the difference between animal cells and plant cells. Even though they are both cells (duh!) there are still many differences between the two.There will be a video at the end (by yours truly) Ok,  I'll stop talking now and get to the point.

  Plant cells. The cell of a plant, obviously, but there's more to it than that. Plant cells have parts an animal cell doesn't have. First of all it has a cell wall. A cell wall is another layer of protection and is basically just a similarity to the cell membrane.

Cell wall circled in red
  Second of all, a plant cell has a much larger vacuole than an animal cell.

Vacuole of an animal cell

Vacuole of a plant cell, much bigger than an animal cell's, right?

   Another difference is that Plant cells have a chloroplast. Chloroplasts have something called chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is what makes leaves (and whatever else) green. In the fall, the chlorophyll goes into hybernation, which makes the leaves turn red. In the winter, the whole plant(leaf) dies, and so they fall off the trees.

Chloroplasts with chlorophyll

   Plant cells make their own food using photosynthesis. Animal cells have to get their own food. 

Heres the Video!

Hope you had fun!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Meet Cellerium

 Hey guys! SuperSara here with another blog about cells. A-Tom's still really sick and doctors say he has the flu for life. But, I talked to A-Tom and he told me he has a friend named Cellerium. Cellerium is gonna be teaching all you guys about cells today, and SuperSara will go sit on the couch and watch television. Ok, here's Cellerium.

  Hey, my name is Cellerium. I am a cell scientist, and I'm going to take you guys on a journey of cells! Here we go!


Everything living thing in the world is made up of cells. Cells are very important because they keep us alive. Once you die, your cells die too. There are two basic types of cells; plant and animal.

Here are some vocabulary words:
  • Nucleus:  Round and dark. Is "the brain" of the cell.

  • Cytoplasm: What the nucleus floats in. Basically it's just this jelly blob that takes up most of the room in the cell.

  • Cell membrane: Protects the cell. Let's good stuff in and out of the cell. Doesn't let bad stuff come in and reminds me of a castle wall.

  • Mitochondria: The powerhouse of the cell. Gives the cell energy, and are rice shaped.

  • Lysosomes: The cleanup crew. Lysosomes are small structures involved with the digestive system.

  • Vacuole: The storage bins. They store food, water, and watse. They pump extra water out of the cell.

  • Ribosomes: Small round structures in the cytoplasm that make proteins.

A Eukaryote cell, the ones that  we are made up of

Next we are going to have a video by SuperSara about cells.

Well... That's all for today! SuperSara fell asleep on the couch, but she specifically told me to tell you this: SuperSaraSuperBye!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Trip

  Hey SuperSara here coming back from an awesome field trip! So almost every kid from 4th-Kenneth at my school went to Titusville, FL to see the shuttle launch. We left on Monday and drove for 10 hours! On Tuesday, we went to the Kennedy Space Center.

We saw an IMAX movie called "Hubble 3D", went on some tours, and rode the space simulator. It was very fun. As we were coming out of the gift shop (where I got a cool t-shirt, picture below) that we learned the shuttle launch was delayed ANOTHER day.
My cool T-shirt

Our class in front of the NASA logo

 Ok, so originally the shuttle was supposed to launch on Monday. It got delayed from Monday to Tuesday because of electrical problems. I got delayed from Tuesday to Wednesday because politicians asked (Tuesday was voting day). It got delayed from Wednesday to Thursday because of electrical problems. Then it got delayed from Thursday to Friday because of bad weather. FINALLY it got delayed from Friday to Monday because of a fuel leak.


We were all pretty mad when we found out about the shuttle because we had driven to Florida for nothing. We were all tired from riding on the bus from 9 pm to 7 am the previous night. Straight after that we got our luggage in our rooms, and went straight to the space center at about 9 am. We were very tired and it was really hot and we had a walk everywhere and had to wait in line for almost an hour in the gift shop. The news that the shuttle was delayed, we didn't get to see it, and we had to go back to the space center the next day didn't really get us in a better mood.

That night, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner and were all smart about what to get (we were paying). We eventually found out that it was on our teachers, so it was for nothing. We went back to the hotel, and I got an okay sleep.
Cocoa Beach

  The next day we went to Cocoa beach and had a really fun time. At first we were going to go back to the hotel to get out of our wet, sandy clothes, so we got all wet and went out in the ocean. Then, we weren't going back to the hotel. We were all cranky and sandy. It was 84 degrees that day, and we had to sit in the sun. I had a bag of chips for lunch. It was good, then bad.

My eyes are closed, but who cares?

  We drove to Kennedy Space Center, and we all got paired in groups. I saw another IMAX movie called "Space Station 3D". Then we went to this big wall with a bunch of tiles that had the names of people who had lost their lives to space. There was a donation box, and we each donated  about a dollar. We rode the Simulator Ride again, and I had alot of fun now that I wasn't scared. We went to see some more things, and then met in front of the gift shop. We had had a long day, and I was starving. We drove back to the hotel.

  After having a spaghetti dinner, we w outside and played freeze tag. The rules were that Mrs. Crimminger was it and once you were tagged, no one could un-freeze you. Me and practically everyone else lied down in the shadiest part so Mrs. Crimminger couldn't see us. She found all of us eventually and while I was running away I tripped. I got up and I had this roaring pain in my ankle and I saw Mrs. Crimminger and Taylor, one of the 5th graders, on the ground with me. I was told that Mrs. Crimminger feel on my ankle. We went back to the room.

  Mrs. Crimminger and Miss Sara, the headmaster of our school, came into our room at about 9 pm. They told us that NASA was having a meeting at 5 in the morning about the launch. If it was still going on, we would go see it. If it got delayed, we would leave 8 am.

  I got woken up at 7 am by Mrs. Crimminger. We were told that it was delayed. We got dressed, headed for the bus, and left. Our trip was officially over.

  This trip was good, and I had alot of fun! I was glad my parents let me go, and I hope you had a good time learning about my experience. SuperSaraSuperBye!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Try and catch her now!!!

  Hello evil chidren who are reading this blog. I am Mrs. Gahoobansteiniumalodextriumfoxtatiame! ( goo-ben-stine-ee-umm-mal-oh-dex-tree-umm-fox-tah-tee-ame) I have captured SuperSara and she is being held hostage for her life. Don' Belive me? Look below!

I guess I have to do this blog thing now, ugh! Well, here are some ghost pictures:

My Mother

My two cousins

Need some more info? Here are some people who've been through ghosts encounters:

"We had a ghost living in our attic when I was nine years old. The ghost stayed in the attic for the most part but became quite active late at night. We would hear things moving around and the thumps would literally wake us up from a dead sleep. He/she.....would also open the attic door in the wee hours of the night for us to find open in the about chills"
                                                                            - Web master of

Sound like enough information? No, no. We are not done already.

"Gaga told her people to get the equipment because she was afraid of "bad energy." Supposedly they then conducted a sweep of the backstage area after getting the gear from Dan Webb's "ghost-busting firm." He added that 'Her aide said the gear had to be robust as they were ­taking it on the road - so they must be doing this every­where Lady Gaga is performing.'"
                                                                     - ParanormalPopCulture about Lady Gaga's ghost encounter

''I absolutely believe in ghosts ... I'm convinced the souls of the dead can come back to take care of things that were unresolved when they died. Or to visit loved ones and comfort them. I've never seen one, but I've felt the presence of a ghost near me. At least I'd like to believe that. I find it very comforting to think that we don't stop existing when we die.''
                                                                                     - Halle Berry

It's very foolish not to beleive in ghosts, what do you think? Here's a quote:

"Personally, I do not believe that Paranormal forces exist. But I'm certainly not so sure about that that I would say I know they definitely couldn't exist.On the basis of the evidence as I see it, I would bet money against it. But I would support Parapsychologists trying to find evidence that would convince me. So far that evidence isn't available."
                                                                        - Foolish user from

Does SuperSara like ghosts? let's find out!

Here are some more pictures of ghosts:

My Father

My beautiful mother

SuperSara wants to talk to you again, ugh:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ACIDS AND BASES HAVE TWO DIFFRE.... Just kidding were moving on ;-)

  Hey guys! its SuperSara with another SuperAwesome post about... chemical and physical changes!! Yay!! Ok, so this isn't very hard, but I'll try to explain it in the easiest way!

   Ok so lets go over some vocab words:
  • Physical Change: When a product's appearance is changed, but it still has the same properties. Ex: crumbling up paper, slicing and apple, and cracking an egg.  Look at the video below for more info on physical changes, and some pictures too!


    • Chemical Change:When the properties of a product are changed. Ex: Burning a piece of paper, adding oxygen to an apple to make it brown, and frying an egg.

      Well... I know this was a short blog post, but there will be more in the future. SuperSaraSuperbye! Now for a huge peace sign!


    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Acids and Bases have 2 different faces... 2 DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES!!!

    AND YA GOTTA FIND OUT WHAT THEY'RE ALL ABOUT IF YA WANNA LEARN CHEMISTRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* Sorry, just having a SuperSaraSuperSingalong! Ok so today we are gonna learn about Acids and Bases. Yay! OK, SO THESE ARE ACTUALLY REALLY COOL!! Okay so to start you off here with the definitions you have gostes to learn!

    Acids:  A substance that is acidic, obviously. Acids turn litmus paper to red, and are sour. Some examples of acids are:
    • Lemon Juice
    • Vinegar
    • Beer
    • Coke
    • Battery acid

    Base: A substance that turns litmus paper to blue and is bitter, slippery, and soapy. Some examples of bases are:
    • Soap, no duh!
    • Egg whites
    • Dish washing liquid, basically anything with soap

    "Well, what happens when acids and bases are brought together?" Well, its actually really simple. The base will make the acids a neutral. Remembering this is about as hard as making a bowl of cereal, so I'm pretty sure you will!

    I'm also gonna teach you about the PH scale, with SuperAwesomeVideo!! Yay I know you guys like those so yup here it is and there is a picture below too!

     Woah! Theres even more! Heres this awesome video from your family at youtube!!!

    Well thats all for this blog post folks! lol cya soon!! SuperSaraSuperBye!! Now here is a huge smiley:

    Tuesday, September 28, 2010

    HLiNaKRbCsFr NOF!!! ( hill-lih-nahk-rib-cis-fer-noff) LEO SAYS GER!!

      Hey!!! Its SuperSara with another blog post about the difference between Oxidation and reduction!! ( Try to act excited) We just watched a video even LONGER THAN THE LAST ONE!! ( I didn't know it was possible) I would attach the video but, Mr. Sellers says not to, its kinda pointless. Hey, gotta follow the rules! ( SuperSaras life lesson of the day #1) I am very confused about this topic so hopefully, at the end of this blog post, we will both be smarter!

      Okay, so y'all are probably very confused about the whole title. (The HLiNaKRbCsFr NOF!!! ( hill-lih-nahk-rib-cis-fer-noff) LEO SAYS GER!!) So SuperSara will divide it up for ya and you will understand more!! Ok so basically the HLiNaKRbCsFr part was just naming all the elements that give away electrons. They are the first row on the periodic table. Look at the picture below. The elements that are circled in purple are the HLiNaKRbCsFr's. Start with the H on the top left and go down. Again, these are the elements that give away electrons. It's basically like HLiNaKRbCsFr is giving away a bunch of free money ( money in this case is electrons). This is called Oxidation.  Agian, this happens when you give away electrons.

      The "NOF" part stands for nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine. They like to take all the money away from HLiNaKRbCsFr. Since HLiNaKRbCsFr is handing them out, they just take all of them, everything, all the electrons. This is called reduction. They want to become negatively charged, they dont care! So about the Leo says Ger thing, there is a video below explainig oxidation and reduction. Enjoys!

       I hope in this case, literally, the title explained it all. I hope you all have a good day and I hope this blog post taught you something! SuperSaraSuperBye!!

    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    Metallic Bombs, Covalent Bombs, and Ionic Bombs

    BOMBS?! Sorry I meant bonds... Hello? Trying to funny here? Haha well anyways... SUPERSARA AT'CHA HERE WITH A BLOG ABOUT( DRUM ROLL PLEASE, [I missed them]) THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN METALLIC BONDS, COVALENT BONDS AND IONIC BONDS!!!!! (I know right?? I don't what these mean either) So... umm lets find out~! We just watched sooooper dooooper long video so I will attach the video in case you have alot of free time on your hands.

    Ok, so the video explains alot, but this is SUPERSARAS BLOG!!! I'm not gonna attach a video and say," ok bye, the video was your learning teacher person!!" Especially because this video is 13 minutes long... but thats besides the point! Okay, so what goes on in this video you ask? SuperSara will explain:

    • Ionic Bond- A chemical bond between two ions with opposite charges. This basically means that two atoms with opposite charges may join together. An example of this is NaCl which is the chemical symbol (abbreviation for name) of... you guessed it.. salt! It's made up one sodium atom and one chlorine atom (sodium chloride). Here's a picture:

      Ionic Bond

    • Covalent Bond-  A chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more electrons, especially pairs of electrons, between atoms. A good example of this is when two hydrogen atoms bond. Here's a picture:

    Covalent Bond

    • Metallic Bond- The chemical bond characteristic of metals, in which mobile valence electrons are shared among atoms. An example is Brass (copper plus zinc). Here is a picture :
                                                                                           Metallic Bond 

      So, now you know the types of bonds. I hope I taught you alot today and please, if you can, watch the video. It's very informative, and verryyy long. If you could *please* watch the video below also it would mean so much to me!! I cant wait for my next blog post, I love making these things!! Okay, SuperSaraSuperBye!!!!