Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meet A-tom

  Hey.. SuperSara at'cha with a another SuperPost about .... ATOMS!! Cool, right? Well, I have invited my friend A-Tom (shown above)  to teach us some things about Atoms!!! Ok, A-Tom, take it away!

  Ok well, before we talk about anything else, lest go over a few vocablulary.

  •  Electron-  A subatomic particle with a negative charge
  •  Proton- A subatomic particle with positive charges
  • Neutron- A subatomic particle with neutral charges
  • Atom- A extremely small unit, found in everything in the world. 
  Well, atoms have a very interesting story. In 4000 B.C a guy named Democritus said that all things in the world were made of small particles.. atoms. people thought he was crazy! Nobody spoke of atoms until 1803 when a young man named John Dalton said that all things have a different atomic weight.. therefore there had to be atoms inside different objects. J.J Thompson Discovered that these atoms had different particles in them, that had either positive or negative charges to cancel each other out! We are still figuring out things about atoms today!! back to SuperSara

  Well, hope you learned a thingy or 2 about atoms.. I'll keep you posted on what happening in the SuperSaraScienceWorld!! Peace out!

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