Thursday, September 2, 2010

Periodic Table of Awesomeness (sort of, nothing wrong with being positive)

  The Periodic table of elements is the real name... but hey! I is the queen of name changing! As you know, SuperSara is here to talk to you about...(please, no drum roll, I'm getting sick of those things!) THE PERIODIC TABLE OF (WHAT?) ELEMENTS!!! OH YEAH! ROCK ON! Ha ha ok well lets start with saying that the periodic table of elements is basically a big chart with every element known to man. Here are some Vocabulary words you should know!

That 17? that's called the Atomic Number. This tell how many protons the element has in each nucleus.

The Cl? That's is the Chemical Symbol for chlorine. The chemical symbol is usauly just 2 letters from the elements name.

 That 35.453? That is the Atomic Mass. This tells us how much the protons and neutrons(together in the nucleus) weigh. This is measured in Atomic Mass Units.


Here is a very fast moving element song. Hope you enjoy!

Crazy Element Song


Well, SuperSaraSuperbye! I love you guys cannot wait for you to read my next blog post. It's gonna be awesome!!! :-)


  1. HA! HA! It's 8:18 and I'm on your blog! HA! BTW, my sister is next to me. She wants you to tell everyone hi, not that I care. Marriam: Oh, no, blllllllllll. HA HA, 'LOL'. Fatima: (Get off the computer!) She also wants you to follow her blog, although personally, I couldn't care less, and I advise you not to follow, but when have you ever listened to me? Her URL is ' Read it tomorrow, she said. I know this is a long comment, but then again, my sister is right next to me.

  2. hi marriam! hi fatima! Im glad you went on my blog and i will definitley go on it right now bc mr sellers aint here today (family emergency) so we are with kenneth in LA and are checking eachothers blogs. Jalen didnt do his (of course)so hes doing his. Well, i gotta go, but thanks for commenting. Hope you have fun

  3. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! LOVE, NOT LIKE, LOVE! But, like all great blogs, there are a few mistakes. I can't really see the red highlighter. I think it would be cool if you can say who actually made the periodic table. I think you can also use a picture of the actual periodic table of elements. Other than that, it's a masterpiece.

  4. omg anabee! thats an awesome blog! love it so much! u rock super sarah!!!!!!!!!!

  5. thanks guys! I'll try not to do a red highlighter next time:-)
