Monday, November 7, 2011


  Hey guys... SuperSara here listening to Pandora in science class doing work. But... am I doing "work"? Everyone who is reading this probably is thinking "Um.. yes?". Well, work in the scientific world means something totally different. Let's say that Fatima made me so mad I wanted to push down a wall (which has happened before). Could I push down a wall? No no no no, seriously (no bellatrixly, haha) you look up weak in a thesaurus and my name is there. Let's also say that I was pushing a book across the table. Which is more work?

  If you answered the wall... you're wrong! That's because work is when you use force and distance. So, I might use more force to push down the wall, but is it going anywhere? No, it's not, so it's not work. When I'm using force to push the notebook, but at least i twas going somewhere.

  Another thing you should know is that work is measured in these things called Joules. Work also has math related to it. The formula for work is W=FD or work is force multiplied by distance. So let's say I was pushing a bag of chips across the table to someone, and I was using 2 newtons of force, and I was pushing the chips 6 inches away. 2 x 6 = 12. So, I would be using 12 joules of work. Easy as pie!

  So now let's talk about positive and negative work! This is just like with buoyancy; It's super easy. Let's say Katie was tossing me the same bag of chips, and I caught it. She was doing work by throwing them to me. right? Well, work involves force and distance, so yes, she was doing work. When I caught them, was I doing work? Trick question... I was negative work. Another example would be me pushing the wall again... it's not going anywhere, so it's not work. Let me explain it a little bit better...

  Well... That's really it! Hope you guys enjoyed! Check out the extra links below, and as always, SuperSaraSuperBye!!!!

As always, the big smiley! 


  1. Hey, now! Do NOT hate on me. You make me mad, too, you know. It was a good blog, A...SuperSara. It was informative. And I love how you always start with what you're doing, and that fits in with what you're going to talk about. And don't call me Teeba Tub!
    Oh, P.S. Love the information and the pictures.
    P.P.S. Marriam says hi, but who cares about her?

  2. Anabel, That was a greta blog :)
    You put a lot of information,
    and i can't really spot anything bad. Good job Anabel!
    You have great personality too.
    I can deff see ANABEL in there.

  3. good blog because you explaned every thing really well and your video of yourself was good

  4. that was an awesome blog you had lots of great info

  5. Thank you!! I really appreciate it :D
